Life's What You Make It!

This blog is designed to keep you up-to-date on our familiy's adventures!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The girls have no more Grandmas

Corey's mom's funeral was two weeks before he had surgery to receive a new kidney. Her death seemed sudden, but she had been in poor health for years. I remember when Bev had her first heart attack/stroke the day I went back to work after I had been on maternity leave with Taya. December 2000. Over the years, she got worse and worse. She had numerous other strokes and heart attacks. She was in congestive heart failure. She spent weeks intubated at Abbott and no one thought she would survive. She couldn't see well. She was on dialysis three days a week and had recently had one of her legs amputated at the knee. She was too young to be in as tough of shape as she was. I always felt bad that she had to live with so much pain and physical disability. Corey and I have both lost our moms when they were too young. The girls have no grandmas left at all! We will miss you Bug!!

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