Life's What You Make It!

This blog is designed to keep you up-to-date on our familiy's adventures!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Zombie Crawl

Which one of us was rocking the wedding dress more?

Even Jay & Silent Bob were zombies

Thousands of zombies crawling the streets of Minneapolis & St. Paul


Woody Allen

The Macho Man Randy Savage

Even zombies can dance..after all it was my wedding night!
So...a few weeks ago, Corey called me from work and asked me if I wanted to go to the Zombie Crawl with some friends of his from work. He went on to explain that you purchase a wristband, dress up like a zombie and walk around the streets of either Minneapolis or St. Paul from bar to bar with everyone else dressed up like zombies. Apparently the organizers of the event were trying to set a Guiness Book of World Records for the most zombies in one place. As Corey kept explaining what this event was, I interrupted and said "Stop honey, you had me at Zombie Crawl!"

As those of you who know me know, I have a thing for horror movies. Don't know why. I just enjoy being really scared. And, in particular, I love Zombie movies. What could be more fun than dressing up like a zombie and partying with a bunch of other people dressed like zombies? Not much!! I wasn't sure exactly how to dress up like a zombie, but a zombie bride sounded like a pretty good idea. So, I went to GoodWill and found a wedding dress. We immediately started trashing it and that was the fun part. Right after buying it, I had Corey run it over with his car in the parking lot. (You should have seen the looks we got! Priceless!) I cut it, ripped it, smeared it in the dirt and rolled around in the leaves. Oh it was so fun! Then we put on some zombie make-up from the halloween store and...Voila..a zombie bride and groom!

After getting ready at Lisa and Jay's house in our full costumes and make-up, we decided we should stop somewhere to eat because none of us had eaten dinner yet. "Hey, how about McDonald's?", I said. So the four of us walked into a McDonald's to grab a quick bite to eat. In hindsight, the McDonald's idea probably wasn't my best idea ever. We scared the begeezus out of several small children that were trying to eat there. Woops! Our bad! Most of them got over it when we smiled and explained that we were going to a halloween party. The funniest moment came when one little girl who had screamed coming into McDonald's when she saw us standing in line to get our food later came out of the bathroom, saw me sitting at a table waiting for my food and said "Oh no! Not again!"

It was so fun people watching (or should I say zombie watching). Some people were more creative than others, but it honestly felt like you were walking around in a horror movie. Zombies would approach you on the street and come up to you saying "Brains! Brains!" because as we all know, zombies like to eat brains. We had a really fun night and I hope this becomes an annual Halloween tradition! I'm not sure if we set a new world record, but I did hear that they sold 100,000 wrist bands. Enjoy the pics if you dare!

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