On Sunday, we went to our nephew's 1st birthday party. It was a blast watching him dig into his cake and get frosting all over his face. The girls had fun swimming in a pool in the backyard and playing with their cousins.
Monday, Corey took the day off of work so we could do something fun with the girls. The girls had a list of activities they wanted to do ranging from going to the Mall of America to a huge waterpark, but in the end we decided to go to the Como Zoo. It was a gorgeous day!! We enjoyed looking at all the animals in the zoo. The girls particularily loved the monkeys and the polar bears. Then we went to Como Town and the girls had an absolute blast playing in the playground and going on all the rides. Chloe has not always been the bravest about going on rides. She is usually excited to go on, and then about half way through realizes she is scared to death and wants to get off. However, she seems to be enjoying them more as she gets a little older. The girls went on a kiddie coaster called the Screaming Dragon and Chloe laughed, screamed, raised her arms high in the air as she went down a drop off and when she got off the ride, hopped right back in line to go on again! At the end of the day, the girls were exhausted!
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