Wow! Between school, work, and the kids and their activities, I have been so busy I haven't had time to do much blogging. I like to stay busy, but lately it's been ridiculous. I realize that most of it is my own "fault" as my hubby and friends are constantly pointing out to me. I sometimes (okay-most of the time) don't know when to say enough. But, I accept that about myself and continue to march on and get done what I need to get done. It helps me to plan some fun activities to look forward to. I look at it as a reward for all my hard work. Corey, the girls and I are going to Thumper Pond over New Years with a friend of mine from work and her family. Thumper Pond is a huge indoor water park. The girls can't wait and I'm excitied to go too! Corey and I are also planning a trip to the Riviera Maya in Mexico in February with a bunch of friends from work. Corey and I haven't been on vacation together in about 4 years. It will be a much needed break from reality and a chance to get away from the cold and snow.
This fall, I'm taking a Health Informatics class through the grad school at the University of Minnesota. I'm working on finishing my Master's degree in Nursing. It's not my favorite class, but I'm getting through it and am about halfway done. The class is mostly on-line and I have to go to the Cities to campus twice during the semester. We have weekly discussion assignments and four large projects we need to complete throughout the semester. When I'm not doing stuff for school, I'm working on various projects for work.
Sadly, Corey's grandmother (his dad's mom) recently passed away the end of October. We went "up north" for the funeral. His dad was in town from Pheonix so we got to spend some time with Papa Mike. Several days later, my nephew (Corey's sister's little boy), Gavin, was baptized. Corey and I (along with three other family members) were his godparents. He is such a cutie. Two friends of mine from work have sons named Gavin so we have to refer to them as Big G, Little G, and Baby G so we know who we're talking about. Baby G is such a cutie and he is really getting to be smiley and fun. The girls love to hold him and play with him.
For Halloween, we did our traditional annual pumpkin carving. Each of the girls picks out their own pumpkin and a pattern they want to carve on their pumpkin. They love pulling out the pumpkin guts although I usually end up helping them finish their carvings. Taya is getting good and was able to carve her pumpkin almostly completely on her own. Then, the girls and I dressed up like vampires and we went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. It was cold, but not entirely miserable. The girls made a haul in candy. There is one house at the neighborhood across the pond that goes all out for Haloween and has a graveyard in the front yard and all kinds of scary monsters in the garage. Chloe was really scared to go up to this house, but took my hand and went because she wanted the candy. Afterwards, she was so proud that she had gone to the "scary" house.
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