Well, it's been a big weekend. Friday at 12:01am was the premiere of New Moon--the second in a series of vampire movies based on four books written by Stephanie Meyer. Why am I so worried about my kids growing up? I'm 35 years old and can still act like a teenager with the best of them. Corey and I went to the re-release of Twilight and then saw New Moon at 12:01am. All told, we were at the theater for 7 hours. It was so worth it! Dreamy vampires and hunky werewolves, what more could a girl want? Then after a little sleep we decided to see New Moon again. Corey, my dad, my sister, the girls, and I met up with a friend of mine from work and her hubby to see it again at 5p the same day. It was just as fabulous the second time. Yes, I am a Twlight Mom!!!!!! Taya and I wore our matching "I Love Vampire" t-shirts. Then, Chloe told me in a very sad voice, "Mom, I don't have a vampire shirt." So, I borrowed her an "I Dreamed of Edward Cullen" t-shirt and we were good to go.
I must admit, about half of my new wardrobe is vampire/Twilight/Edward related. One of these days I'll end up on What Not To Wear for being the 40 year old that won't stop dressing like a teenager! EEK!
To top the weekend off and since the weather was so nice, we decided to try to put up some x-mas lights. Yup, that's me on the roof freaking out trying to string x-mas light at the tippy top of the house. Just a walk in the park for someone who already has the second most dangerous job in the world. Yup, I recently heard that the job of flight nurse is right behind crab fishing as world's most dangerous! For some reason, while I was on the roof, Corey kept asking me if my life insurance was up-to-date. Now why would he care about that?
Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! We are heading to Corey's grandma's on Thursday for turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie!! YUM!
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