All the kids at Naomi's house |
Having fun at Nay's |
Twister |
Playing doctor |
Molly always makes everyone smile |
Chloe playing with her BFF |
Taya practicing piano |
Chloe's little fingers learning to play |
Chloe concentrating really hard on her piano piece |
Taya cooking |
Taya and Chloe cooking with Aunt Karin |
As everyone leaves work for the week, there is the usual talk of "What do you have going on this weekend?". My answer to that question this week was, "Not much. Just a quiet weekend."
As usual, quiet around our house is anything but. Friday night Corey and I enjoyed a quiet dinner alone while Karin graciously watched the girls. It was fun to just have the chance to talk without being interrupted! Which, around home, NEVER happens.
Then all of a sudden our Saturday was full! Naomi was wonderful and agreed to watch Taya and Chloe and Mike and Tracy's kiddos so we could go out to supper (I mean dinner--sorry!) with Mike and Tracy at Red Lobster. Naomi had seven kids at her house for 3 hours Saturday night. The kids had so much fun playing together. They wrestled, pretended to be doctors, played Twister, and made magnets and shrinky dinks. Luckily, Naomi's sister-in-law was there to help her because her house was kind of wild. But Naomi survived and Tracy and I got a chance to talk and catch up (because, you know, we never get a chance to talk). Then Corey took Naomi's daughter Ellie and the girls home to watch them for the night while I had a girls night with Naomi and her sister-in-law Kelli. It was a low-key, fun evening. So nice to have girl time!
Sunday, as usual, Chloe ran the neighborhood playing with her two girlfriends and at the park. Can you even believe that it is in the 50's this weekend? I could handle it if this was as bad as winter gets! Taya and Chloe (although mostly Taya) then helped their Aunt Karin cook for a good part of the day. Sunday is also our usual day to practice piano. It is Chloe's first year of taking piano lessons and she is catching on very fast and absolutely loves it. If only her fingers were a little longer! She has to concentrate so hard on playing the right notes. Taya is working on scales and pieces that are getting pretty complicated. They both really enjoy playing.
Yup, nothing but a quiet weekend with not much going on! Smile! Life is good!
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