I worked Christmas Eve night and Christmas Day night at the hospital, so I got to spend Christmas with my friends and co-workers and some pretty cute babies. However, working the holiday makes it a little harder to celebrate with family. My dad and sister came over on the 23rd to celebrate with Corey, the girls, and I. We had a wonderful meal and opened most of our presents. The girls were so excited at all their "cool" presents. Taya got some clothes, knee-high black boots, new books, twin girl dolls from American Girl, Ninetendo DS games, a Twilight "Scene it" game, and a new bear from Build-A-Bear workshop with all the necessary clothing and accessories. Chloe also made a haul. She received books, games, twin babies from American Girl and her very own bear from Build-A-Bear workshop with PJs, a nice outfit and shoes. I was excited to get a new winter coat and my usual Anne Geddes calendar. Corey got some nice new sweatshirts. It was so much fun spending time with the girls and watching their faces light up when they opened their presents. Even though it wasn't exactly on the day, it felt like Christmas to us that night. Taya even helped me cook supper. She loves to cook and help out in the kitchen. Both the girls helped me make cookies for Santa. I have this gorgeous little Christmas plate and it has become tradition that we leave cookies for Santa on this plate.
Friday morning when I got home from work, I found the girls awake and eager to open the presents that Santa had left in their stockings. Of course, since I was at work, Dad was responsible for setting out the cookies for Santa. The girls were worried that Dad had forgotten to set out any milk for Santa. Taya said, "Mom, Santa ate the cookies, but he didn't have any milk. I bet he got thirsty!" Santa brought a new pair of pajamas for each of the girls, movies, games, and some chocolates and other candy. Saturday, December 26th, I slept for awhile after my night shift and we then braved the roads and headed up to Corey's grandma's house in Donnelly, MN to celebrate with his side of the family. Corey's grandma, his mom, his aunt and uncle, and his sister and her family were there for supper and to open gifts. Again, everyone got some fabulous new gifts and enjoyed the time eating and being together with family. We spent the night and came home late on Sunday. The girls wanted to stay and play with their cousins while they were on Christmas break from school so Taya and Chloe stayed with Corey's sister Nikki, her husband, and their four kids. I think they had their hands full with 6 kids for the week, but the girls had so much fun!!!
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