Corey with his siblings, his mom, and Nanny Pearl

The grandkids

Nanny Pearl feeding Chloe an ice cream cone

Nanny Pearl and Taya sitting under a tree at a parade in Morris
(one of my favorite pictures of her)
"Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.”
Corey's grandma, Nanny Pearl, died the end of May after losing her battle with pancreatic cancer. I have known Nanny for over 18 years. She has been like a grandma to me.
I remember reading a quote after my mom died, "The whole world feels depopulated by the loss of one person." This is so true. When one person who was important to you dies, the world feels suddenly empty. She was the center of the family.
Things will be so different! Nanny always cooked and entertained for Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. She always brought a big roaster-full of her homemade scalloped potatoes to the girls' birthday parties. She always took care of everyone. The world feels smaller and emptier.
Goodbye Nanny Pearl! We love you! You will be missed!